Implementation and Investigation of a Virtual Laboratory on "Computer Organization"
The dissertation thesis describes a process of design, implementation, integration and investigation of a virtual laboratory on "Computer organization". The Unified Software Development Process is used as a base for composing a methodology for management of virtual laboratory life cycle. Through application of object-oriented modelling principles and using the concepts and notations of the Unified Modelling Language a domain model and architecture of the virtual laboratory are composed. The domain model is elaborated in two perspectives – functional (use case model) and structural (conceptual model). The architecture is also represented in two views – logical and physical.
A methodology for development of interactive training tools (ITT) is proposed and models of learner and learner-tool interaction are composed. A generic model of ITT is provided, too. 21 interactive training simulators of the basic components of the processor are implemented. The virtual laboratory on "Computer organization" is implemented and integrated in a WEB site, generated through "eLearning Shell” software platform. Methodologies for formative and summative evaluation of the virtual laboratory are proposed and analysis of evaluation results is provided, too.
All the achievements, discussed in the thesis are a result of author's work. The virtual laboratory is intensively used in the training process by students from the degree courses on Computer systems and technologies and Electronics at the University of Rousse. Some of the fundamental training simulators are used at the Technical college of Silistra as well as at Fachhochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft – Berlin. The virtual laboratory is also placed at a disposal of departments of computing at the Technical University of Sofia, Technical University of Sofia – Branch Plovdiv, Technical University of Varna, Technical University of Gabrovo and the University of Veliko Turnovo.
Area of Science:  
PhD Student:  
Anelia Ivanova
Scientific Adviser:  
Assoc. Prof. Angel Smrikarov, PhD
University of Rousse