A paradigm of a context-sensitive ubiquitous multimodal computing system for media and modalities selection
Within research and industry R&D there is a growing interest in addressing the challenge of supporting people working together in environments that differ from the classical office user sitting at a desk with a Personal Computer or workstation. Interesting ethnographical studies of nomadic and mobile users has been made and several technical solutions for supporting this kind of work have been suggested.
This kind of support has been termed ’Pervasive Computing’ by enabling users to view and access data on server using mobile phones or PDAs or by having services on mobile devices hook into a more general computing environment to perform tasks.
The objective of this thesis is to create a computing infrastructure for pervasive computing which poses several challenges to a computing infrastructure of multimode multimedia architecture in which the work between different persons is cooperative. These persons may be disabled persons that will work with others (disabled or not).
In this case of multimedia multimodales applications, we use the term pervasive computing to describe a computing infrastructure that supports work where users access a dynamic range of computing and software devices, where users can shift between devices, and where users move around while preserving their working environment.
The design of a pervasive activity-driven computing infrastructure for MMA will preserve a user’s computational working context enabling him to shift between different devices while on the move and enabling him to interrupt and return to work-activities fluently.
So, the infrastructure will contain agents that propose new activities based on the user’s current context and profiles.
Area of Science:  
Ubiquitous multimodal computing
PhD Student:  
Manolo Dulva Hina
Scientific Adviser:  
Nicole Levy and Amar Ramdane-Cherif
Versailles UVSQ