Implanted Chain Certificate in distributed environment
In ad hoc networks and other highly distributed and decentralized environments, authorization certificates and chain of them are used to control access. Moreover, it is possible to delegate rights listed in the certificate to other users. However, the size of these chains can become too long to be usable.
The implanted chain certificate improves the time complexity of the verification of certificate chains. An implanted chain certificate (IChC) can be imagined as a certificate for a whole chain of certificates. The verification of IChC uses only a constant amount of cryptographic operations; therefore it is computationally more efficient when compared with the classical verification of the chain.
In the dissertation, we present the IChC approach and focus on performance improvements of implanted chain certificates. Not only for long but even for very short chains – containing only four certificates – the IChC approach is much more efficient than the classical verification approach. In the dissertation we also present ubiquitous services of Implanted Chain Certificates Scheme in the network by voucher system and we provide some insights into the configuration of such security services in ad hoc networks.
Area of Science:  
Applied Informatics
PhD Student:  
Ladislav Huraj
Scientific Adviser:  
associate prof. Ing. Ladislav Hudec, PhD.
Slovak University of Technology
The Slovak Republic