Database of PhD holders in the field of Computing

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  Showing records from 181 to 210 of 214
    Area of science: Informatics
    Area of science: Software Systems
    Area of science: Programming and information systems
    Area of science: Computer Science
    Area of science: Computer Science
    Area of science: Automobile Electronics
    Area of science: Moddeling
    Area of science: Automatic Systems for Information Processing and Control
    Area of science: Computer Science
    Area of science: Systems Programming
    Area of science: Data Base
    Area of science: Computer Multimedia
    Area of science: Theory of Coding
    Area of science: Data processing, curve and surface aproximation
    Area of science: Computer Engineering
    Area of science: Computer Systems and Networks
    Area of science: eLearning
    Area of science: Computer Graphic
    Area of science: Computer Science
    Area of science: Computer Science
    Area of science: E-learning
    Area of science: Computer Science
    Area of science: Computer Science
    Area of science: Methodology of Teaching IT
    Area of science: Computer Science
    Area of science: Computer Science
    Area of science: Computer Science
    Area of science: Computer Graphics
    Area of science: Informatics
    Area of science: Computer Science